CASE STUDY: Sleep Number
Recycled Acrylic Reduces CO2 Emissions
- Sleep Number uses acrylic fixtures in its more than 600 retail stores to display product information
- The company was interested in a recycled alternative to help achieve corporate goals for sustainable sourcing
- Sleep Number chose to test 1/2" Recrylic® certified recycled acrylic to provide attractive protection over product information sheets
- Recrylic offered the same attractiveness, performance and cost as virgin acrylic, without the need for using raw petroleum
- The initial test included fixtures at 50 stores – with a total weight of about 18 pounds per store
- Eco-friendly savings for this test = about 6 barrels of oil, or 2.8 tons of CO2
- Assuming a rollout of 600 locations, that would generate about 34 tons of CO2 saved – or the equivalent of taking 7.4 cars off the road, for a full year – just from one fixture

What can we build for you?
Our team specializes in creating durable and sustainable solutions tailored to your business's unique needs. Using Recrylic® certified recycled acrylic, we've helped companies like Sleep Number meet their sustainability goals by reducing CO2 emissions effectively while maintaining product attractiveness and performance. Partner with us to achieve your environmental objectives without sacrificing quality.